Inogen One G4 portable oxygen concentrator
Inogen One G4 portable oxygen concentrator

The Inogen One G4 Portable Oxygen Concentrator Received 5 out of 5 Stars!
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Inogen One G4 POC Review

The Inogen One G4 is very similar to the Inogen One G3 model from what our research shows. The main difference is that the Inogen One G4 is half the size of the G3 model, which makes it a better option if you plan to carry it with you everywhere. It is also approved for in-flight use so it is a great device for travel. Please read our full review of the Inogen One G4 portable oxygen concentrator below.

Step #1 Review of the Inogen One G4 Portable Oxygen Concentrator from an Inogen Dealer View 

We found online dealers nationwide who can ship the Inogen One G4. Most dealers we contacted were very happy with the quality of the unit and said that there were not many issues with ordering or replacing parts. During our research on fair pricing, we saw that there were a lot of online shops offering the G4 and accessories for different prices. After comparing many different online stores claiming to offer the best price, we did find a few that were honest and fair in their pricing. It can be hard to find the right place to purchase a portable oxygen concentrator, but we did a lot of the legwork and found the best online stores to visit before you make your decision. If you want a list of the retailers we stand behind for their fair pricing, fill out the contact form below and we will send you what we found.

Step #2 Technician Review Inogen One G4 Portable Oxygen Concentrator

We spoke with two technicians who said the Inogen One G4 is a very well made unit. It is very similar to the Inogen One G3 in terms of quality, and the techs had very similar reviews about the product quality and lifespan on the unit. Both techs said that routine maintenance at home will keep the unit in top condition and that they rarely have to do any costly repairs on the Inogen One G3 or G4 concentrators.

Step #3 Seniors Review of the Inogen One G4 Portable Oxygen Concentrator

We spoke with two seniors who are using the Inogen One G4 model as their primary portable oxygen. Each of the customers liked their concentrator and said that they had very few issues with using the POC in daily life. One customer said that he has been using the unit for five months and it hasn’t caused a single issue. He purchased the larger sized battery after reading reviews about the battery life being a concern but since he keeps his unit charged while he’s in the car he hardly ever gets a low battery. One customer mentioned that the vents on the sides can get warm or seem to almost overheat during the summer months.

Step #4 Overall Review by Senior Reviews Inogen One G4 Portable Oxygen Concentrator

We rate the Inogen One G4 portable oxygen concentrator 5/5 stars. It is fairly priced and quality made. The battery life is suitable for busy lifestyles and it is lightweight enough to take anywhere – even on long vacations. We do not see any major issues with the Inogen line of portable oxygen concentrators, and based on our research they seem to be fairly priced.  Please feel free to fill out a contact form if you would like to know where we found the best deals on the Inogen One G4 POC.

If you have any questions, feel free to fill out the contact form below. We have not included the lowest price we found in this review at the request of the manufacturer. If you would like more info on the lowest price, please click on the button below and fill out the form.

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