The OxyGo Portable Oxygen Concentrator Received 5 out of 5 Stars!
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OxyGo POC Review

The OxyGo POC is one of the most efficient portable oxygen concentrators on the market because it offers 5 pulse settings and has one of the highest portable O2 outputs available. What we really loved about the OxyGo is that it is approved for 24/7 use.  It has a smart alarm system that detects changes in breath while still delivering oxygen. 

Our favorite feature of the OxyGo POC is the LCD display that shows exactly how much time is left on the battery, which holds a charge for up to 10 hours. The long battery life makes the OxyGo a great option for travelers. This is a high-quality and reliable portable oxygen concentrator. Fill out our contact form below and we will send you the lowest price we found during our review of the OxyGo POC.

Step #1 Review of the OxyGo Portable Oxygen Concentrator from an OxyGo Dealer View 

The OxyGo POC is available through most authorized oxygen providers nationwide. Most dealers that we contacted were very satisfied with the OxyGo POC and said that it was a reliable portable oxygen concentrator for daily use. Several dealers also mentioned that the OxyGo line of POC’s are one of the more affordable options on the market while still being high quality, quiet and portable. If you would like more information about the dealers we recommend after reviewing their pricing for the OxyGo POC, fill out the contact form below and we will be in touch.

Step #2 Technician Review OxyGo Portable Oxygen Concentrator

We spoke with two technicians who said that the OxyGo POC is a straightforward and quality concentrator that didn’t raise any issues or break down frequently. One of the only issues that the technicians came across with the OxyGo is the battery losing its charge when the machine is not in use. This has caused the LCD screen to show that the battery is draining more quickly than it actually is. The technicians both recommended removing the battery from the unit if you aren’t going to be using it for a while. Any issues the technicians came across with an OxyGo have been fixed quickly and were not damaging to the life of the machine. It is very rare to have to send the POC back to the manufacturer for repair, so the technicians we spoke with thought the overall quality of the OxyGo POC was top notch.

Step #3 Seniors Review of OxyGo Portable Oxygen Concentrator

We were able to speak with three seniors who are using the OxyGo POC. Each customer was very pleased and none experienced a serious issue with their equipment. One customer shared that she could leave home for 8-10 hours a day without having to stop what she was doing to charge the battery. Two customers did mention that the double battery was necessary for the full portable experience, since it greatly increases the battery life. One customer really liked that the OxyGo was easy to use thanks to the 25 foot cannula, and that the low decibel output was so quiet he could take  the OxyGo anywhere without worrying about the noise.

Step #4 Overall Review by Senior Reviews OxyGo Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Overall the OxyGo POC seems to be a good buy and a reliable POC for everyday use. Be sure that you purchase a double battery to get the full 10 hours of battery life; the single battery only lasts up to 4.75 hours on its own. You can easily recharge the OxyGo POC with AC or DC power, so it’s very convenient at home or on the road. We also like that the OxyGo family of POC’s are approved for air travel. Seniors Reviews gives the OxyGo Portable Oxygen Concentrator 4/5 stars. Feel free to fill out the contact form below if you’d like to find out more information about pricing on the OxyGo POC.

If you have any questions, feel free to fill out the contact form below. We have not included the lowest price we found in this review at the request of the manufacturer. If you would like more info on the lowest price, please click on the button below and fill out the form.

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