Inogen One G3
Inogen One G3 portable oxygen concentrator

The Inogen One G3 Portable Oxygen Concentrator Received 5 out of 5 Stars!
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Inogen One G3 POC Review

The Inogen One G3 is similar to the OxyGo POC in size and price. We like that the Inogen One G3 is a very reliable oxygen concentrator that can last up to 10 hours before the battery requires a charge. It is also easy to carry and is FAA approved for air travel. Please read our full review of the Inogen One G3 below.

Step #1 Review of the Inogen One G3 Portable Oxygen Concentrator from an Inogen Dealer View 

Most dealers we spoke with said that the Inogen One G3 portable oxygen concentrator is a very high quality option. The Inogen One G3 is suitable for most oxygen patients and it is compact enough to take everywhere. A few dealers did mention that the extra batteries are sold separately but are really useful if you plan to travel often.  We went online to price the Inogen One G3 in comparison to other models. The manufacturer price is not listed on their website and it is difficult to find a set price point during the shopping process because many websites over charge for the unit and accessories. We did find some companies that offered fair prices and do not over charge. If you would like a list of companies we found that offer affordable Inogen One G3 portable oxygen concentrators, fill out our contact form and we can send you a list of the honest companies we found in our research.

Step #2 Technician Review Inogen One G3 Portable Oxygen Concentrator

We spoke with two technicians who said that the Inogen One G3 is one of the best portable oxygen concentrators on the market. They both said it needs routine cleaning/filter changes (like any concentrator) in order to stay in top condition, but that it rarely has serious issues that require repair.  One tech explained that the Inogen One G3 model has column pairs that will need to be replaced. These columns help filter air and remove nitrogen from the air that is sucked into the concentrator so they are important for air purity. An alert will show when the columns need to be replaced, and you can replace them yourself. This simple design is one big reason the techs really like the Inogen One G3.

Step #3 Seniors Review of the Inogen One G3 Portable Oxygen Concentrator

We spoke with three seniors who use the Inogen One G3. One customer said that she quickly found out that the battery drains faster when using a higher setting. This is one thing to be aware of when you first use the Inogen. Luckily, she was able to charge the battery in the car. She recommends keeping an eye on the setting and your pulse oximeter when you plan to leave the house or change activity levels. Another customer said that he really liked the Inogen One G3 for its portability. He keeps it with him whenever he leaves the house and likes that the LCD display lights up, which is handy for checking your settings or keeping an eye on battery life during the night. All three customers had a positive overall experience with their Inogen One G3 concentrators.

Step #4 Overall Review by Senior Reviews Inogen One G3 Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Overall the Inogen One G3 seems to be a good buy. We found it to be very similar to the OxyGo portable oxygen concentrator after reviewing both, but the Inogen One G3 has a much better battery life than the OxyGo. The technicians and customers we spoke with really like the Inogen One G3 and were pleased with its performance and design. Overall, Seniors Reviews gives the Inogen One G3 Portable Oxygen Concentrator 5/5 stars.  If you would like to find out where to order the Inogen One G3 POC, fill out our contact form below and we will let you know where we found the lowest prices.

If you have any questions, feel free to fill out the contact form below. We have not included the lowest price we found in this review at the request of the manufacturer. If you would like more info on the lowest price, please click on the button below and fill out the form.

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